viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2008

I'll See You In My Dreams

Concert for George , November 29th, 2002.
(Homenatge a George Harrison)

Hui he tornat a veure aquest únic i inoblidable concert, que ocupa un lloc molt especial a la meua colecció de DVDs. I de records. Per molts motius.

La gent: Dhani Harrison amb Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, Eric Clapton, Tom Petty, Billy Preston, Ravi i Anoushka Shankar... i els Monty Python, entre d'altres.
La música: My Sweet Lord, Give Me Love, Something... Beatles.
El moment: novembre, una vesprada de tardor...
El lloc: El Royal Albert Hall, a Londres...

El tema I'll See You In My Dreams, interpretat per Joe Brown acompanyat per la naïf sonoritat d'un humil ukelele, tancà el concert. Un moment d'intensa màgia... Lletra i música articulats amb tanta simplicitat, que esdevenen pur i autèntic sentiment.

Bona nit.
I'll See You In My Dreams

Tho' the days are long
Twilight sings a song
Of the happiness that used to be
Soon my eyes will close
Soon I'll m find repose
And in dreams you're always near to me
I'll see you in my dreams
Hold you in my dreams
Someone took you out of my arms
Still I feel the thrill of your charms

Lips that once were mine
Tender eyes that shine
They will light my way tonight
I'll see you in my dreams


Lips that once were mine
Tender eyes that shine
They will light my way tonight

I'll see you in my dreams
They will light my lonely way tonight
I'll see you in my dreams

(I'll See You In My Dreams by Gus Kahn and Isham Jones
performed by Joe Brown in "Concert for George")

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