martes, 15 de mayo de 2012


Porte setmanes treballant a classe amb mapes, climogrames, topònims, imatges...

Infinits viatges virtuals sobre el paper que es queden dins el cap i que m'acompanyen en nits d'insomni.

(Ara caic en què feia mesos que m'abandonava en braços de Morfeu i no me n'havia adonat fins aquestos dies, quan he perdut el fil d'aquesta normalitat qüotidiana de la son...)

De matí, el blau amaneix dibuixat amb borroses línies blanques: rastres d'aeroplans furtius que han travessat el mar dels somnis, "En una red de líneas que se entrelazan"; "En una red de líneas que se intersectan"...

"¿Cuál historia espera su fin allá abajo?"...  Re-llig Italo Calvino (en traducció al castellà):

"La casa parece haber aprovechado con cordura tus momentos de euforia para prepararse a acogerte en tus momentos de depresión..." (Italo Calvino, Si una noche de invierno un viajero).

Hold on to my hand
Never let go
Never let go
We were just two kids acting tough
Then we grew up
Me, not so much

All the other guys that you've seen
are nothing compared to me
Because my love is strong
And my heart is weak
After all

When we first met
We spoke so brief
When you sang a sonnet
I hummed sweet relief
Do you recall that night we took the L
Out into Bushwick
It was colder than hell

So maybe there
We should have stopped
Cause I'm left here feeling like a cop
Because my love is strong
And my heart is weak
After all

To the other side
of the state's return
I met a young girl
Well I couldn't manage her
Because I think of you
In every girl i meet
It's no relief
That sounds to me just as sweet

So maybe I'm the fool for feeling used
By the way we kissed that night
I though you knew
Because my love is strong
And my heart is weak
After all
Bushwick Blues [EP Version] as written by Kelly Winrich Brandon Young

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